Sunday, November 27, 2005
 | T=11:18
Zappa: I've decided I'm going to try and Notepad the events of the day, or the significant thoughts of the day, so it's so much easier to actually have content on my posts. You guy take the time to visit, so why not give you something significant to read, besides looking foreward to what pic I'm posting for the day.
By the way, Bridget starts Monday... ph34r...
Sadako-chan: I wanna see mommy...
Zappa: You shut up! My mom lives on the other side of town, so you sit there and deal.
Sadako-chan: Okaa-chan...
Zappa: *glare* Nee-chan...
Anyway, I worked this morning, and since it was raining nicely [ridiculus downpour], I decided to sit outside and listen to one song. That song happened to be Vitimin R (Leading Us Along) by Chevelle, randomly picked from my lappy. I sat out there, and my mind wandered over this idea, random images of the girls in my life [Alex, Seth, Tori, and Sethos], and ze X-mas. Ironically, when I went back inside, what happened to be playing on the radio?
Vitamin R.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I finished Texhnolyze. Made no dammed sence. I got it... but it made no sence. It was well done and all, but it made no sence.
So we move on to the cryptic mecha anime, with l33t acoustic death v'v
The Black Mages version of J-E-N-O-V-A is very ravable.
How much do you know about Zappa!!!
What's my favorite color, that doens't seem like me?
Winners get a juicebox and glowstick in thier next comment
Yeah, you'll notice an interesting format here... like talking to Sadako and her eating of your bandwitdh. I'm gonna try to make that regular, cuz it's fun and silly. Like me, ne? I kinda... uhm... used my Simulacrum no jutsu on metal-inuyasha only, he talks with Scar.
Some remixes are much better than the original. Like the Black Mages and AC version of J-E-N-O-V-A, and the AC version of One Winged Angel. Screw you, guitars make everything better. Ever seen a ninja wail on a guitar? Nuff said.
I went to Hobby Lobby to find/get regular belt buckles. I ended up leaving with my Christmas presents for Seth, Tori, and Sethos.
Speaking of Christmas, Seth, I need a confirmation on Alex's address...
Seth... you really think she and I...
I hope so.
Alot of you seem to think I don't have the capacity to kill. Everyone does, it's just some peoples' are harder to trip than others. Mine are easy, but the conditions are extremely rare. I have a voilent nature, that I've yet to have to unleash, so... the world, and myself, are lucky.
Other than some interent drama, and my dammed Fishcake4 game not showing up, I think the days events were over at 8pm.
Oh... and my Wallpapers are approved. Judge them now!
Baiken finale

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