Monday, November 28, 2005
 | T=11:15
Zappa: I'm chillin at the Mike and Jenny's. I didn't pre-calcluate my post this time, cuz... well... I was distracted. I like Sundays. I don't have to be home, and I have some sence of freedom.
Sadako-chan: Speaking of freedom, why did you tie glowsticks to your leash?
Zappa: Cuz no one takes me around on it, so it's only good for raving. Alex was the last one...
Zappa and Sadako*nostalgic sigh*
Zappa: Moving on. Once agian, I went somewhere to do one particular thing, and ended up doing something completely different. Today I went to Hollywood Video/Game Crazy to rent Soul Calibur 3, and I ended up buying Guitar Hero, which is hella fun and very addictive

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I spent most of the daylight playing that. Afterward, I got chattin with people. Danzikumaru showed me some new AMVs and a new song. And now I'm trying to watch some game footage of Fishcake4. I'm hoping it comes today [Monday]. Anyway, Fire-fucks said it was going to consume 97% of my computer's active process... and went into Uber-Lag mode. Feh... teach you to lag on me.
And I'm working on a sticker for my laptop. It's Sadako's kawaii face, with some japanese around her, and in a word bubble, I have saying [after modification] " C:\>run Sadako.exe " ||.^
How much do you know about Zappa!!!
Who gave me the name "ZappaSlave"?
Winners get a juicebox and glowstick in thier next comment
Well, nothing left for the evening but to consume time, space, food, drink, and wait for the replay of The Boondocks, with a cameo of Zato Ichi.
Not the GG character, for those of you who know.
Poor kid...

~Zappa | |
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