Tuesday, November 29, 2005
 | T=
Zappa: I'm bored at work once more. This job is only troublesome in that I have to deal with stupid and rude people for several hours, five days a week. I don't mind cleaning the store... but... I wish there was more do to between customers... or at least more, polite costumers.
I talked to Connery for about 4 hours last night, and left for home half an hour later. She's cool... wait no... I need points... she's uber-cool! My friends dragged me away from our conversation to watch The Boondocks. It's friggin awesome. Mike found it unnecessary for Zatoichi to stab the ninja in the eye. I had to explain, "He's blind. Consider the skill it takes to pinpoint that small a target when you're blind." Then he found it to be awesome and unnecessary.
I also made a Sadako sticker for my lappy!
Sadako-chan: Haha, your lappy has SadakoWare!
Zappa: Yeah... now it takes 7 days to download ANYTHING! It's a cute sticker though. Maybe, if I'm not feeling lazy, I'll take a pic of it once I cut it out.
Sometime after I got to work today, I suddenly started signing to myself Black Hole Sun. I'm suprised I knew all the lyrics in order. Usually I slip on the order of things, unless I listen to the song several times daily.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
And Sethos called me at work, from her cell phone. She got it back!!! My alarm clock is back!!!
And I was thinkin about con stuff, like how I can't find any dammed buckles for my Millia shirt. I can work on the gloves though. I probally should.
I also realized, every con I've been to, I had a new costume.
Ushicon3- Zappa
Ushicon4- Sadako
Akon16- Neji
Onicon2- Millia
Ushicon5- Dark Neji. I call it dark, cuz it's gonna be all black. I can't call it Rave Neji, cuz then it would be regular colors with glowies and such on it.
ShioKaze- Time jump Neji... hopefully.
And I decided on my new costume for Akon, if I can save up to AFFORD it. The Akabane Project will commence. Hopefully I can get Mark to make my scapels...but I think spray painting some plastic knives would be more efficient, and less troublesome on other people.
If anyone's interested, the only things I could possibly want for Christmas, at this point and time, are a new set of earrings [studs or hoops, don't care which, whatever you feel suits me], and a Sadako plushee. You'd have to hand make that...
Really, I don't care what I get from my friends, because they know what I like, I'll be happy with what they get me.
I said some really nice things to my okaa-chan the other day, and it made her cry. So yesterday, she kicked my ass with good news regarding Alex.
Hey girls, now that we have a time span, I need a date to take off from work.
How much do you know about Zappa!!!
What was my first cosplay? C'mon... guess...
Winners get a juicebox and glowstick in thier next comment
Yesterday's answer - Mint
Sunday's answer - Pink
-Winners - Yojimbo Sakura, Kawaii Seth
I pity Bridget... he takes a lot of abuse on 4chan...

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