Sunday, December 4, 2005
Zappa: For the first to hours of the day, I slept with the light, TV, Gamecube, music, clothes, and headphones still on. I just passed out with them still on. And insomnia has struck me, when I have to work at 8 today.
I'm still up from earlier. I'm too bored to go to sleep, so I'm roaming about the Rave Ninja Clan boards. Why don't you guys check out the site and the boards. Just because it's titled for the Rave Ninja Clan, doesn't mean that you're not welcome there. All are welcome. You can post about the games you play, or hawt yaoi/shonen ai pics, or your manga that you're working on.
Join us v'v <--Link here.
Sadako-chan: I won't kill you if you do join.
Zappa: Great way to attract people. You just threatened to kill them if they don't. Now they won't. Jerk...
Home from work and boredom has set in. I'm about to start working on the repair of my Millia gloves, then badge designs for the Rave Ninjas.

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I repaired the gloves. Then took a huge nap, sprawled across my backless chair, and my bed. My "mom" woke me about 6ish, wondering if it was uncomfortable. My alarm went off a 7:15. Which explains why it didn't get me up at 7:15 this morning.
I was late to work, because it didn't go off. I still opened the store on time, but I was late.
I got the obligitory male and female rave ninjas drawn for the badge idea. I probally ought to color them, but... I'll leave that to the voting.
Please people, join the boards. Everyone is welcome, even if you don't comprehend what's going on with the official rave business. There's threads for anime and music, and just plain-ass random shit!

~Zappa | |
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