Thursday, December 8, 2005
D-1 Aria, confirmed
Zappa: MALICE!
My moron of a little brother took one of the dogs out, and like the moron he is, let go of her leash. So guess who had to chase her down around the block with no shoes of jacket.
Sadako-chan: Don't look at me...||.>
Zappa: Yeah, fair. My brother stood there and cried, rather than trying to chase the dog himself. Horray for bullshit!

Sadako eats your bandwidth!
I'm currently working on a RahXephon wallpaper. I wish I could produce something more interesting to say. Most of the day my mind was blank, or was spend talking to Wuffers, who suddenly logged off. People around here have been having power issues, so, I assume that's the case.
If you see me on, talk to me, most of the time I'm bored, and forget I could be watching Rah or Bleach.
I'm pretty lonly too, but only a select two could remedy that. Dammed this intermittent single withdrawls.
How well do you know anime?
Name the blond, spikey-haired main character from the fighting anime.

~Zappa | |
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