Thursday, December 15, 2005
Grow up
Zappa: Allright people. I got a couple of unnerving comments yesterday. Since my happiness with another seems to be an inconvience on people, I'll be sure to leave a desclaimer next time I go off on a happiness rant. Maybe I'm interpreting those comments wrong, but, they shouldn't have been written to leave room for that.
It's my place to speak my mind. Nobody forces you to read or comment. If you have a problem with me being happy... then please leave.
Sadako-chan: That's really hurtful you know...
to be bothered by someone's happiness in another
Zappa: I got a cryptic message from Wuffers when I got home. I got a little concerned with it, figuring it was to be the worst of things. That's just how my luck goes. But, luckily, Connery allowed me to talk with her about it, and she helped me realize something that made my emotional situation better.
I waited patiently today to talk with Wuffers, to see what might have been the issue.
Heh, I paniced over nothing. And we had quite a plesant conversation afterward. Sadly, the conversation ended without closure.
I've also finished her Christmas presents.
Happy chat over

Sadako eats your ramen!
For once, I got to comfortably sleep in on a Wednesday morning. I didn't have to get up at 6am. But sleeping in so late, kinda blew my chance to pay my bills. I've got tomorrow before I'm screwed.
I got friggin invaded by ants. I reached down to move the power cord for my computer, and my hands and feet were nicely covered. [sarcasm]How plesant...[/sarcasm]
What's left of my busy list... I fixed the video, I think. Rah isn't done being viewed. Bills. Oh, and what costume work I can do v'v
That's it from me then. No one forces you to comment, but if you leave one, don't say anything mean or hurtfull.
Kim sucessfuly named another Sadako reference. Perhaps Sadako did not word it well. She thinks in japanese.
How well do you know anime?
Name the three transformations of Getter Robo.

~Zappa | |
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