Friday, December 16, 2005
Must be your skin I'm sinking in
must be for real cuz now I can feel
and I didn't mind
it's not my kind
not my time to wonder why
everything's gone white
and everything's gray
now you're here now you're away
I don't want this
remember that
I'll never forget where you're at
don't let the days go by
I'm never alone
I'm alone all the time
are you at one
or do you lie
we live in a wheel
where everyone steals
but when we rise it's like strawberry fields
if I treated you bad
you bruise my face
couldn't love you more
you got a beautiful taste
don't let the days go by
could have been easier on you
I couldn't change though I wanted to
could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me
glycerine [repeat]
don't let the days go by
I needed you more
when we wanted us less
I could not kiss just regress
it might just be
clear simple and plain
that's just fine
that's just one of my names
don't let the days go by
could've been easier on you
Zappa: Something noteworthy happened today. My friend from Houston, Canuck, dropped by for lunch as we planned. I woke up about 11:30, wondering if we were still going to, and I wasn't going to go up to work untill I heard from my manager that he had arrived, but I caved in to my own precautions and left for work about 12:15. Sure enough, he arrived about five minutes after I did.
Sadako-chan: Horray for instinct. Of course, I got left at home so I wouldn't cause any trouble.
Zappa: Yes you did. But after lunch and talking, we came over to my house anyway. We messed around with Fishcake 4 untill I had to leave for my scheduled shift.
Speaking of work, I was schduled to work untill 11 tonight, and go back in at 7, this is really bad for me, cuz I need more sleep than that. Fortunately, I got my co-worker to trade shifts with me, so I'm home now, at 8:40. But since my "mom" is whoring the phone line with pointless calls, when I have important messages to check, I have to watch a DVD on this new crap we're starting at Subway. You get no details, for I am lazy and hating having to watch this anyway.

Sadako eats your ramen!
This DVD's plenty boring. Just tell me how to do the dammed crap, not the extra BS dialouge or cutscenes of customer/employee.
Wuffers, her friend, and I got to talking about which VAs should be casted for Advent Children. I don't know much, but... aparently I had some good ideas.
*sigh* to think my list was shrinking, when it only got larger.
Finish RahXephon
Make Rave costume - pants/jacket/mask
Buy buckles for Millia costume
Make a color sample for RNC badges
Scan drawing done for Wuffers
Mail Wuffers's presents
Do I need to mail Mint's present?

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