Monday, December 19, 2005
Zappa: So, it was a grand battle. The oceans ran red with blood, people died by the millions, even the Earth itself shook from the chaos... but after waging war for 23 minutes, peace was found and all matters were settled.
In other news...
Sadako-chan: ...people need to shut the hell up about Zappa-kun's hair!
Zappa: I was going to let it go, and not bring it up, but... people and thier selflessness keep telling me to donate my hair. Then when I say, "No, I'm not me without it.", they get on my case about being selfish. I mean seriously, I know it's for a good cause and shit, but... NO. I'm not donating my hair. Shut the fuck up and back the fuck down.
Case fucking closed.

Sadako eats your ramen!
Leading us along... I finally have games for my GBA. So I have games to play when I'm away from the Naruto Machine. v'v Other than that, another boring, uneventful day.
Oh, and the Rave Ninja site itself is down. Boards are still go.
Time for Eddie/Zato-1

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