Friday, December 23, 2005
Zappa: Well, as per the norm, another boring day. Some stuff happened, but not entirely much. I had to work this morning agian, so I went to sleep as soon as I got home. My MegaMan 3 data got corrupted.
Sadako-chan: I didn't do it, I swear.
Zappa: Did I accuse you?
Sadako-chan: No... but...
Zappa: Then why are you acting so guilty? Did you do something?
Sadako-chan: Noooo...
Zappa: Go take a nap, you're jittery. Anywho, my friend came over and showed me some stuffs about the game and helped me get started. But it's not really all that big a deal.

Sadako eats your ramen!
I had a happy talk with Anna. She's very happy with her Christmas presents from me. And now that she has it, I can share it with everyone else v'v

What do you guys think?
I also added the rest of my drawings to my fanart [LJ users have to wander over to MyO]
And for some odd reason, my MySpace has been getting "popular" [??]. I check it more often, but... not like I really do anything.
I'm hungry, so I'm going to go scrounge for something to munch on. Maybe play a little NGNT4
My dammed site for official GG pics is... down or my dial up is crap... sorry Danzig.
~Zappa | |
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