Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Zappa-kun: Hey everyo...
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun! Who the heck is this girl?
Zappa-kun: Irae?
Irae-chan: Yes?
Sadako-chan: Who is she? Why's she here? Are you repla...
Zappa-kun: Hey now! You always take off at Christmas,
and she happened to wander over here while you were away.
Sadako-chan: *sobs* But why are you keeping her around?
I thought I was special to you...
Irae-chan: I mean not to replace you,
but Zappa-san asked that I stay and maintain your well.
Sadako-chan: Ahh... r-really?
Irae-chan: Allow me to show you what I've done.
Zappa-kun: v'v Cute little girls. Play nice. And now that they've left me to speak, the Rave Ninjas have a shoutcast server.
We play lots of stuffs v'v
*sigh* And after a grand battle, and lots of agrivation, my PS2 has died. But... well, now I can get a newer one. But definately not a mini-PS2. They're crap. And I have some high-class, rare goods I need to trade in or sell off in order to get the money.
I have, for sale at a reasonable price, Growlanser Generations, the delux box set. Comes with playing cards, OST, Necklace, Growlanser 2 and 3... and some other stuff. I'm too lazy to open the box. I paid 70$, so I'll let it go for 30$
Also a 15th anneversary, Street Fighter PS2 controller, graphiced with Ryu. Used only once, and all packaging included.
Well... that was free from a Naruto 3 touney at Oni-con, so 15$?
Well, that's all for me. What do you think of the LAD layout? There's a couple more changes coming too.
The Guilty Gear site I use is broken agian... so... No pic. This is twice in a week. I hope it's not permanently down.

~Zappa | |
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