Irae-chan: Who was that girl that came by earlier?
Sadako-chan: That was Anna. Whenever she's around, we kinda get ignored.
Zappa-kun: *glares*
Irae-chan: So, you don't like her then?
Sadako-chan: Well, she's like you. She keeps Zappa-kun away from me.
Irae-chan: I believe you're wrong. You seem to shell...
Sadako-chan: What do you know!
Irae-chan: Why do you have such a negative outlook on things?
Zappa-kun: Psst... I got to talk to Wuffers today. Another lost soul will be finding a home. She wants Umbrae...
Sadako-chan: Because people always turn thier backs on others when things don't go thier way!
Irae-chan: That may be so, but that's not at all relevant to what's at hand.
Zappa-kun: And I got to use my Borders gift card. I picked up RahXephon v1 and Rebirth v5...
Sadako-chan: What would you know about it? You and Anna just try to take him from me! He's the only one who accepted me how I am!
Irae-chan: Once agian, wrong. She's accepted you, has she not? And I believe many others...
Zappa-kun: And Wuffers even sent me a shoutout over Rave Ninja Radio, even though she can't listen herself...
Irae-chan: Even I accept you. I simply dislike your argumenative nature.
Sadako-chan: Hrmph...
Irae-chan: *puts a flower in Sada-chan hair and smiles*
Sadako-chan: ...
*smiles back*
