Saturday, December 31, 2005
Zappa-kun: Hey all! Today's it. I head up to Austin for New Years. Sad thing is, I don't get to spend it with the person I really want to spend it with. Spending it with my friends is most excellent, but there's a certian someone who I'd love to spend it with.
I bought another manga today, DeathNote v1. And I bought an actuall BOOK too. It's a compilation of 3 books of scary stories that I used to read back in elementary. Now that I'm not such a panzy coward like I once was back in the day, I can read it freely v'v
...but I still won't get on a PACKED elevator...
Maybe I'll start posting some stories. There's one in particular I want to post first, for Tala, but not tonight. The girls have gone to bed early, as will I be soon. I have to work at 7, and plan on leaving for Austin ASAP.
Keep it real kids, and Happy New Year.
Naruto marathon: GO!

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