They say freak,
When you're singled out,
The red, well it filters through.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again.
This change, he won't contain,
Slip away, to clear your mind.
When asked, who made it show,
The truth, he gives in to most.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
So lay down, the threat is real,
When his sight goes red again.
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red again,
Seeing red....
They say freak...
When you're singled out.
The red, it filters through...
Anger management much?
Zappa-kun: Today was productive. I got my car's crap replaced! I got 4 of 6 buckles for Millia. They only had 4... aww... maybe next week. I've even gotten them sewn on! I had to take a nap today... cuz... I was actually up till 3 last night, and had to be up at 7. *sigh*
Irae-chan: Are you okay, Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: Hmm? Yeah. I'm trying to figure out how Sada-chan got ahold of sake. That... and I don't think I'll be able to learn ParaPara. I just can't keep up with it. I think I'm a little to scatter-brained to actually do it.
Irae-chan: Where is she anyway?
Zappa-kun: Well, she had a LOT of sake, so she's grounded... and spending it sobering up aparently.
Irae-chan: I had nothing to do with it.
Zappa-kun: No one blamed you. Why the guilty conscious?
Irae-chan: I'm sorry... I just... she was
drinking my tea... I felt you thought I was to blame.
Zappa-kun: Nope. Cuz we don't even have any liqour in this house, domestic or foreign. *sigh* Well, I'mma shower up, then prepare for roleplay and work tomorrow. I'm gonna try to take my costume work with me. :P
Irae-chan: Baibai. Is anyone staying
around for tea? Non-alcoholic of course.

Danzig, I want both labels for this one.