Monday, January 9, 2006
Zappa-kun: And so, Kefka laughs at fate. I had to post this, no matter how much you may or may not care. An elder gentleman came to my job today, somehow thinking it was a Kwiznewbs. So, he comes up to order, handing me a coupon from there. I adress him politely, "You realize this is a Quizno's coupon, right?" He told me he thought it was a Kwiznewbs, and proceeded to put the coupon back into his pocket. Not in these exact words, I said, "Hell no, I'll honor that shit!"
Turns out, his wife sent him, and he didn't even want to go to Kwiznewbs in the first place. I got tipped a dollar!
Sadako-chan: Althought it all turned out well,
stupid people should not be left unattended.
Irae-chan: *Nods, tending to her flowers*
Zappa-kun: Okay... I'm at Deus's, and I was checking various LJ's and MyO's, and it comes to be that someone is trying to take away that which makes Zappa happy. Zappa is not one you take happiness away from.
Sadako-chan: Cuz then I get to come out and play. Zappa let's me bypass 7 days into 7 seconds.
Irae-chan: I don't like the look you two have on your face.
Zappa-kun: Good.
When you tamper with my happiness, violence is the only ending equation.
Behold said faggotry. And for LJ users.
Great way to ruin everyone's plans bitch.
Sorry, but this kinda ruined my day.

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