Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Zappa-kun: Important events of the day!
Alex posted on her MyO O'O
Anna is still going to Ushicon. Her grandmother just needs to quit power tripping.
Added more metal to my ever-growing playlist.
Well, I plan on making tonight productive. First, I'm gonna go out pretty soon and buy that which I need to make boobs.
Sadako and Irae:
The hell?
Zappa-kun: Shut up. You're definately in NO position to judge me Sadako.
Sadako-chan: *hides behind Irae*
Zappa-kun: (Leading Us Along), I'm going to write the "First Motion" of my character's story. Each chapter will be called a motion, and titled with... a song title, that I find appropriate. Chapter one will be called, "Open".
I'll upload it to the Rave Ninja server, as I have no idea where to go to post it otherwise. I'm not bound to get discouraged by the first chapter being a failure, cuz... it's the first chapter, which is before 7's time of w00tness.
Well, I'm off to Wally World!

~Zappa | |
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