Friday, January 13, 2006
Zappa-kun: Holy shit! I changed everyhting agian! It's all blue and happy!
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun, this is creepy...
Irae-chan: It is a little unlike you.
Zappa-kun: What? Do I have to be all dark and brooding all the time? Dammed...
Can't I be happy?
Sadako-chan: Well, yes...
Zappa-kun: Then shush.
Anywho, I went for my eye exam, for those who haven't read yet, and it cost 94$, but came with a 'free' pair of contacts. Bi-weekly disposable, that are to expire right before Ushicon. Depending on how much it costs to get the next pair, I may just push them on through.
Yes, unnecessarily complicated, but a necessity for cosplaying.
As for the rest of teh day, I paid all my bills, and I've 50$ till my check gets deposited in a couple hours.
I gotta work 4-midnight tonight, and then get up about 10ish to head out to Zappa-con Saturday. I can't wait to see everyone, especially Anna!
Irae-chan: And I get to meet Animula-sama.
Zappa-kun: Yup yup! Me thinks Sada-chan may tag along. Depends on how I feel, or remember.
Sadako-chan: If ya don't it's okay.
Someone's gotta guard this place from
hackers and /b/tards.

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