Saturday, January 14, 2006
Zappa-kun: Well, it's 8pm (Friday), and I'm bored mindlessly at work. There's a couple final details desired on my jacket, but it's all paintwork, and needs 24 hours of flat drying. With that, I have to wait till I get home tomorrow to put paint on it. Even then, cuz of the required drying time, it's gonna be 4 days of this wait-n-paint game.
Teh sigh...
Irae-chan: But today (Sat.) we get to see everyone.
Zappa-kun: Very true v'v Okaa-chan, onee-chan Sethos, Danziku-nii, Kimba-nee, everyone else.
Sadako-chan: Don't even act like you didn't want to
mention Anna.
Zappa-kun: You took care of it for me v'v Yes. Anywho... some neighborhood kids who come in with thier skateboards, have been "punked" by some of my other regulars. A girl brought one of thier boards back to me, and as it stands, they drove off with the other. I'm sure they'd come back, but if not...
I DON'T CARE! That'll teach the lil punk asses not to bring thier boards around anymore. They never rode them in the store, by the way.
Turns out, it was put into the trash can. And people had dumped thier half-full soda in there too. Stupid kids.
Well, another hour of boredom consumes my life. I'm gonna try to log on and get around to everyone's MyO and LJ, then I might work on my next motion.
It's 11. I have to scramble for work, but all matters and loose ends handled for the day. For those who I get to see, see you tomorrow.
For those who I don't, *huggles to j00*

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