Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Zappa-kun: WORK IS CRAP!
*work rant, cuz nothing happened today*
I worked 7:30 to 1pm. My whole shift I was worried I'd either collapse due to my legs being sore from Saturday's madness, or being tired, or being hungry. I had to go back at 5:30p.
I was abruptly awoken from my nap between shifts, to hear that one of the other managers in our franchise fucked up, and my manager is being pulled over to thier store for 2-3 weeks. This leaves me to work day shifts for that time period. Several problems arise with this.
*One of the employees is quitting on Wednesday. He was offered a job of 200$ a day in Dallas, and took it.
*I hate working daytime.
*The 2nd week, is my vacation. I'm the only one other than the manager who can open the store. This means, if the general manager expects me to work, I won't have a job to come back to after Ushi.
Feh... if that's what they do, then they don't deserve my services to begin with.
Sadako-chan: But, you got to talk to Anna
between shifts.
Zappa-kun: Yeah, I was torn between talking to her and napping. She was worried and wanted me in bed, so I'd be healty for Ushi.
I love her so... =v'v=
Irae-chan: Hehe... good kitty. *pets Zappa*
Zappa-kun: *purr*

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