Saturday, January 21, 2006
Zappa-kun: Sleepy sleepy sleepy day today. Friday was sleepy sleepy.
I'm going back to sleep. I woke up specifically to post. Please feel special. And read my story. FEEDBACK!
Sadako-chan: *Cuddles Zappa-kun.*
Irae-chan: *Cuddles Zappa-kun,
with confetti still in her hair.*
Zappa-kun: Now that I'm wide the hell awake, I think I need to explain some things. First, I left a comment on Usagi-nee's MyO.
Way back, when the year started, and my car crapped out and my contacts were poof, and I might have lost my gf, I went on and on whinig about it. Turns out, around the same time, one of my regular customers had gotten her finger cut off by a chair at her job.
So, anytime you think your life sucks, remember, someone is losing a body part at that very moment.
As for the juice girl comment the other day, at Ushicon, Millia will be giving out random glomps and juice boxes!
Well, off to fend off boredom.

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