Monday, January 23, 2006
Zappa-kun: What the hell am I doing. I go to gather up some gaming crap so I can sell it at Game Stop or somewhere that will give me cash for it, and I found myself re-organizing my games. I'm clearing out all my useless crap, except the 15th anneversary Ryu controller and the 4 way adaptor. I'll make it worth Ty's money.
As for as events for the day went, I procured the newest Naruto, and learned that there's a proper term for a ninja who works with food.
I am now a Ryounin. God dammed my otaku tendancies. Ah well, simpler than Sammich Ninja, and more appropriate, as I'm versed in many other foods.
Also, I got around to watching Grenadier. Actually, it's not as fanservicey as it comes off. In 4 episodes, there were only 3 scenes of boob-reloading (2x in ep1 and 1x in ep3) and only twice did anyone get pressed into Rushuna's breasts. One was to protect and the other was to comfort.
My conclusion, awesome, pretty, and NOT FANSERVICE!
Sadako-chan: Horray!
Now we need to tell that to
the keepers of MyOtaku!
Zappa-kun: Yup. I noticed how they don't have a section for Grenadier. Nor any sort of submission related to it. Looks like I have to break ground!
Also, I did something that Anna may strike me for.
Irae-chan: I doubt she will,
but what was it.
Zappa-kun: I spend a good amount of money on manga I could have gotten at Ushicon, for maybe a couple dollars cheaper.
Sadako-chan: Aww... I don't think she'll hit you.
But, they DID have up to volume 8
of W Juliet.
Zappa-kun: That did tick me off. They had 3-8, but not 2, which I need. Anywho I got: DeathNote v2, RahXephon v2, Ray v3, and Sword of the Dark Ones v3.
Tomorrow, my plans are, after working, sell my crap, get more athletic tape, and make a mask for my raving gear. Hopefully, I have a crappy shirt here I can destroy. I'd rather make one for free, than buy a breathable fabric.
With that... since I'll miss the weekend, I'll be posting the l33test of May cosplay. Since it's alphabetically May's week.

I say pass.
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