Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Zappa-kun: Know what I hate about being a lonly otaku?
Sadako-chan: Whas that?
Zappa-kun: Having crushes on fictional characters. My hopeless flame for Sailor V was once re-lit.
Well... stupid Uematsu-sama and Celes's theme... Meh... just my ramblings. Anywho. Today, Tuesday, is the last day of work before my vacation.
As far as what I said I'd do today, I failed. 66% is failure. I got the athletic tape, AND sold my useless crap for 23$ (mostly controllers, no-name games, and spare AV cords). I was lazy and didn't make a mask. But I did read 2 of the 4 manga I just bought, bought 40 pouches of juice, and colored an old drawing.
Irae-chan: Doesn't that count as doing more
Than you planned?
Zappa-kun: Yes, but I didn't finished all my assigned tasks. Oh well, today, for sure, I'll make my mask. Then...
Sadako-chan: Wait?
Did you say fourty?
Zappa-kun: Yeaaaaahhh... 30 didn't last long enough, plus I plan on giving them out to RANDOM people... that I don't know.
Who wouldn't accept juice from a giddy crossplayer...
... I'm sure there's someone...

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