Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Presently at work.
Sadako-chan: What the hell was that?
Zappa-kun: I'd tell you if I knew, but some people are desperate for business. I just had a couple people dressed as "Uncle Sam" and "Lady Liberty" representing thier tax refund service. It's nice that they brought donuts. It left me with that weird tingly feeling in my scalp, but, it's still odd that it happened.
Speaking of, I'd like to discuss that tingly feeling. It only happens when some stranger does something nice for me. Am I the only one who gets that feeling. It's just a plesant little surge of the nerves in the scalp. It's nice v'v I try to keep it as long as I can.
Urg... 8pm. Stupid people angering me and Anna. She's talking with some /b/tard about who should do the voice acting in Advent Children. She suggests Monica Rial for Yuffie. This 'tard says "What did she do?" And upon aparently viewing a list of her works, he's seen NONE of them. What kind of "otaku", if we can even ligitamtely call him that, only knows Final Fantasy 7, Gundam Wing, and InuYasha?
Grrr... makes me so effing STABBY!!!
Irae-chan: *tugs his hair*
Down Zappa-kun.
Zappa-kun: *sigh* Yes... anywho. Uhm... I'm bored. And it's still 2 days untill Ushicon. Grr... what can I do besides SLEEP. Maybe I'll put out a little more money to entertain myself these next two days.
Well, there's some things I wanna draw... and I think Con and Sita may be interested in my history of conventions. *ponder ponder*
I really need a sewing machine for ShioKaze-con. One new costume for sure, and MAYBE a 2nd, if Danzig and I can convince Anna's parents to let her go.
*sigh* I'm off!

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