Thursday, January 26, 2006
Lazy alpha
Zappa-kun: Urrgg... so bored and so impatient.
I did NOTHING today. I don't even remember if there was something I was supposed to do!
Oh yeah... I do now... meh, not that big a deal.
Anywho, uhm... I DO wanna go over the whole con thing, but I'm incredibly lazy right now...Grrr, but I need to keep my word on shit.
First con: Ushicon 3 - 2004.
Cosplay- Zappa (Guilty Gear)
Rating: 1 (of 5)
Summary: It sucked, but by my own causing. My first convention ever, and not knowing what was going on, or what do to I spend my time in the game room and the dealers room. I first crossed paths with Phlinx, Alora, and Tolarin. Heh... my original is but a faded memory in thier minds.
Second con: Ushicon 4 - 2005
Cosplay- Sadako (Ringu)
Rating: 5 (of 5)
Summary: I became who I am now, and on the path I'm on now because of this con. Or, as most people know by now, because of Mint. It was Phlinx and Tol who somehow recognized me. I met the majority of my friends here and afterward, Danzig, Mint and Levi most importantly. It was teh ROXXORZ!
Third con: Project A-Kon 16 - 2005
Cosplay- Zappa (Guilty Gear), Hyuuga Neji (Naruto)
Rating: 5 (of 5)
Summary: I was closer friends with Seth by this time. And it was through HER that a] my Zappa costume lives on and b] I met Alex. My first serious girlfriend. Because of stupid people thinking Guilty Gear is an anime, and the fact that the top was too tight to begin with, I retired Zappa. Seth "bought" it for a couple boxes of pocky. Right before A-kon, I learned I was a member of the Raving Ninja Clan. I also met Suger Snake and got closer to Danzig afterward.
Fourth con: Onicon (2005)
Cosplay- Millia Rage (Guilty Gear), Hyuuga Neji (Naruto), Sadako (Ringu)
Rating: 3 (of 5)
Summary: My first convention without one of my local friends. Danzig and Kim were kind enough to pick me up on the way to Houston. Pretty much any con I go to without local friends, I'll be going and rooming with them, if they don't mind. Something like a first date with me and Wuffers. We'd built up a closer relationship the weeks before. The con itself wasn't bad, but the hotel and hotel staff made it come off worse than it actually was. My first crossplay too.
Fifth con: Ushicon 5 (2006)
Cosplay- Millia Rage (Guilty Gear), Hyuuga Neji (Naruto), Sadako (Ringu), Neji themed Rave Gear
Details: For those of you not keen on japanese, 'go' means 5. This con was given a nickname UshiGO, cuz it's the fifth. Also, this will be my fifth con. I'm going into the convention with a girlfriend this time. Also, this is the least amount of money I've had, and the proper details of crossplaying (makeup and boobage). My friend Deus gets to meet ALL of my other friends, or catch the one's he met in a better mood.
Yeah, I've run my mouth enough now.

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