Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday recap
Zappa-kun: And so finally, Zappa returns home.
Sadako-chan: Horray! *glomps*
Irae-chan: Welcome back. *serves everyone tea*
Zappa-kun: Thank you. Ushicon was an interesting little rollercoaster.
The UPS!
- Time with friends
- Cosplaying
- The Pose-Off
- Time with Anna
- The dances
- Recruiting a new Rave Ninja
The DOWNS...
- Lack of things I wanted to buy
- The pain after the dances
- Nearly losing my cat ears
- Anna getting in trouble with her mom
- Not seeing my friends for another 3 months.
I spend yesterday fending off boredom. I was actually too bored to go to sleep. We brought Wildfire home Sunday night, and Deus took him to the airport in Austin Monday morning. I got to talk to one of my new friends too, Torakiji.
I finally got a normal sleeping cycle in this morning (Tuesday). Well, that's Monday. I'll get Tuesday's post up at sometime in the Wednesday AM.

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