Thursday, February 2, 2006
Zappa-kun: So... Tuesday. I slept in, and got a decent amount of sleep for once. I got to talk to MarzGurl for the first time. I can't say how well we'll get along, she seems like a serious girl, and I'm all random and childish.
Sadako-chan: But, that's what people like about you.
Zappa-kun: But not everyone's tolerant to it.
I went out to try and persuade my car to run. Turns out, the only thing that stopped it from starting before, was dirty spark plugs. Really easy fix, except for the part where I hit my fingers on some mysterious object. It tore up my knuckles pretty bad. Cuz I can't get all the blood and oil off my fingers without causing EXTREME pain, it looks like I pressed it agianst a mini-grill.
Irae-chan: *tries to doctor the fingers*
Zappa-kun: I'd do that myself, but I've got nothing to do it with.
I've got pics of all the things I got at Ushicon, except the things I didn't get for me, which was a Cloud pin, 2 AC Cloud keychains and a AC Tifa keychain. I'm sure very few people are really interested in seeing what I got, and most of which are on MyO, but, the LJ kids get to see too.
I bought my first doujins too. At least one of them has a pretty cover v'v
I'm pre-writing this on Tuesday. It's 6pm. I got up at 1pm and I'm already tired agian. I can already say that Wednesday at work will kick my ass. *sigh*
Also, I've expirenced my first case of true LJ drama. Really... angst and animosity all around. The whole comment war goes like;
MG: Ushicon was poorly run.
DP: I don't like your opinion, and here's what I have to say about that...
G: Well, you're wrong, and here's why...
DP: You and your fiance STFU, cuz I'm right and you're not.
GS: You're an ass. STFU NOW
DP: You're a bitch, why don't you?
EMM: How about YOU? STFU NOOB!
ZS: Poor MG... but DP does need to STFU.
HE: Cookies!
ZS: Ed's cookies, YAY!
(summary childishly written by Zappa v'v)
Irae-chan: Ed's cookies are great.
Sadako-chan: How do you know?
Irae-chan: I was there.
Sadako-chan: What?!
Irae-chan: I stayed in the room
most of the time.
At least he dressed as you.
He even raved as you.
Sadako-chan: HA!
I bought FIre Emblem for my GBA. My first GBA game, since I got a new GBA! I'm gonna go play it now.

Zappa-kun: Gah... my posting schedule is so screwy... because of Wednesday. Faggotry! I had to work at 5am this morning, and my alarm didn't go off till 5:30, when it was set for 4. Grr.. this morning just sucked entirely.
So, moving along, today, is a double post. You're reading Wednesday's review right here.
Sadako-chan: Wednesday's SUCK!
Zappa-kun: Yeah, but... it means promotion and munnies for more convention stuff.
After work handing my ass to me, I wend to Deus's place to try and track down my once-agian-lost cat ears. Either a] they've fallen off and hidden in my room
b] fallen off in the street while getting home
c] Jenny had them
or d] thier puppies have all but eaten them...
*cry* I want them BACK!
I also watched Transporter 2 and House of Wax. Transporter 2 wins over the wax movie.
Also, if you haven't taken a peek yet, I've had a brilliant idea for the Raving Ninja Clan. Go check it out if you can!

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