Saturday, February 4, 2006
Friday yo
Zappa-kun: Ah... so, finally, my store gets remodeled. I have all weekend off to do NOTHING.
But, I'm going to do something. Tomorrow... today I suppose, I'm going out to Ingram to hang with peoples. Originally, some ParaPara chick was supposed to be there, but she cancelled, or her agent cancelled, or Suncoast cancelled, and she won't be there.
I think this was one of the few things Kris was staying in SA for, but now it just turns into a huge hang out event.
Sadako-chan: And hanging out is always fun!
Irae-chan: You just want to cause misery.
What's with you lately?
Sadako-chan: NOTHING!
Why do you keep saying that?
Zappa-kun: Why are either of you being emo?
Well, for reasons presently beyond me, MarzGurl didn't show up at Subway. Kris was in Austin being a NEWB and sharing NH3 with Levi and not me. JERK!!! You know I wanna see Hanabi pwn!
Uhm... also... boredom, mindless boredom.
Also! I had put up new drawings a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if I ever announced it, but they're there and not voted for.
Zappa's art
I think the LJ users are SOL, unless you're registered on the Rave Ninja boards. I post them there. Along with my story! READ IT!

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