Monday, February 13, 2006
Zappa-kun: Arrg.... Sunday isn't all that great this time around. Anna got grounded, if you didn't already read here or her journal yesterday. ...wait... I only posted that on MyO. Well, now LJ users know. So... yeah, now you know. This MOSTLY ruins our anneversary. I don't think she was able to talk to her mom today about it. *growls at her mom's vindicitveness* Before she logged off for the day (which I was suprised to see her on) she said something about going to her place for Tuesday. If it comes to it, I will. You know I will.
I downloaded the entire Valkyrie Profile OST. I'm pleased, except, most of the tracks are just over a minute long. I guess that's the magic of loops. I expected them to be longer. 3 minutes or so, ya know.
I've caught up on all my Naruto too, ep 170 and 171.
Also, I would like to bring up some matters regarding the Raving Ninja Clan with Seth, Kim, Danzig, Tori, and Anna (but I'll talk to her seperately). Wildfire, Deus, Jester, and I are starting a task force. People who want to and WILL get this clan moving like it should be. We're not seperating, we just want to make progress, as we feel it should. I won't go into detail here, but if you're legitametly interested, or have questions, please address me or any of the afore mentioned 3 about this (myself or Wildfire preferably) personally, and refrain from discussing it here. We're trying to get organized as a task force before we bring this public to the rest of the clan, so, Sethos and Lemony, if you're interested as well, discuss it with me. Please refrain from bringing this up on the boards just yet. Wildfire will handle this as necessary. I have logged the conference we had Sunday, and for parties interested, I will send you the document (.txt file)
Slayer week go.

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