Thursday, February 16, 2006
Zappa-kun: So, I'm finally back to regular posting.
Monday morning fell apart relatively all at once. I stayed at Deus's place Sunday night to get a PC game from him. I spend 5 hours copying the game, and a activation key generator, but NOT the god dammed installation file.
To make everything WORSE, I got sick Monday morning. How fair...
So, after work, rather than making a ligatimate "I'm sick" post, I put up the previous .gif, and medicated myself to sleep.
I kept medicated through the day till I left for Anna's house.
Rather than bore you to angst or tears, we ended up getting eachother the SAME manga, cuddled, met the parents, and watch teh A-kon pose off.
Speaking of, Kaylyn, Wuffers is still waiting for the Onicon and Ushicon 5 DVDs, if you have any available for her.
Irae-chan: You're still sick,
so get your
butt in bed
Sadako-chan: He doesn't HAVE to.
Irae-chan: He's better off though.
Zappa-kun: Aww... pwned...

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