Friday, February 17, 2006
Grounded by Irae
Zappa-kun: I've got a little list of things I need to take care of, and relatively soon, I'd prefer. I won't waste your time listing them, but I really need more interent time... and where to get a tae kwon do gi-thingy. Really, I can just see this is the HARDEST part of the costume. Then maybe that black thingy, but... shit I can prolly sew that myself. I seriously need new nin-sandals. ANy ideas where to get the official ones? I don't trust buying clothes on eBay.
Sadako-chan: Irae-san!
He's out of bed agian!
Zappa-kun: Snitch!!!
Irae-chan: Get in bed Zappa.
Zappa-kun: Seriously! Unfair! Let me post!
Irae-chan: NOW!
Zappa-kun: imadeprogressonwritingchapter3

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