Saturday, February 18, 2006
Zappa-kun: So finally, Irae lets me be. I'm doing much better than I have since Monday.
While I do so enjoy being lazy, I'm worried about business at work. I was actually able to stand for an HOUR and play my SRW3 emulator.
After work, I took care of Sethos's birthday present. But... it doesn't seem like enough TO ME, so, it's incomplete.
I got home and took a medicine-induced nap. My manager said something about going somewhere, and I'm taking care of the dogs. Her anneversary is this weekend, so I think I've got the house to myself.
I love how school intereferes with things. I know cons aren't life, but it makes for a great event to spend time with friends. To my knowlegde, since school starts drawing toward closure in April... exams and crap prevent people from going to stuff. ARG!!! I just like seeing my friends when they don't have this social competition called 'school' to stress them out. Save for classes related to carreer skills, what's the point? Stress is not a thing to be educated on. Nor is voting for who's most popular. And how many teachers actually CARE about the students, and not getting thier paycheck.
all opinions based on personal expirence in high school
Ze also... as per the norm, I'm being overly paranoid about my relationship wif Sethy. Ze stress of life.
At least she has what I didn't at that age; people to turn to.
In other news, for those in the know... at this next convention, I'm trying to formally arrange a mini-rave/meet & greet for the Rave Ninjas. Before I email con staff about this, I need a name for said event. Suggestions? Only good one's I've gotten so far were "Raving Ninja Exhibition" and "Rave Ninja Warm-Up".

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