Monday, February 20, 2006
Zappa-kun: So, I thought I found a temoporary loophole around my lack of a Playstation. The emulator worked. It played Valkyrie Profile pretty well, but lagged heavily during battle. Biggest problem, that makes it unusable, is that I couldn't save at all.
And that... was the whole highlight and downside of the day. I talked with other peoples about stuff. I wanna see Anna agian, since she won't be going to ShioKaze, but I don't know when that'll be.
Sadako-chan: I think you're starting to
get depressed agian.
Zappa-kun: No... I'm just annoyed with my situation.
Irae-chan: Exactly.
It's getting to you agian.
But you get to see people on Saturday.
Zappa-kun: Yeah... I do.
Maybe that's it. I need time with the people closest to me. And cuddles...
Oh yeah... I watched Saw 2. Meh...
And the game I spoke of yesterday, Indigo Prophecy. It's different, but not worth buying. Game cleared, with best ending in 9 and a half hours. Did it in one sitting. Rent it, don't buy.
I think I'm gonna give in and get a PS2 today, or this week. Either way, I'm gonna get all my money out of my account. I WILL get my dammed Ushicon/Onicon pics developed today. I just hope effin Wal-Mart gives me ONLY a cd, like I ASK for every time. Last few times, they gave me prints that I didn't ask for. Idiots, but I think they had it right this last time.
Stupid work makes me scatterbrained. I got up to ep 25 of Bleach. You still won't find me cosplaying any shinigami ANY time soon.
Speaking of cosplay... today I have an idea on how to procure a base for TJ Neji. It it turns out to be a dead end, or stupid expensi... no... screw expense. If I can get it now, for a decent price, then I will. If not, then I'll start working on Akabane. I'm most likely to have that ready by ShioKaze, but... may not wear it untill A-kon. One new costume per con v'v
Testament week GO! I open with Guilty Gear Live Action!!!

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