Friday, February 24, 2006
Zappa-kun: Arg... I so dislike finincial responsiblility... and not having weekdays off.
I.E.= I'm responsible for the room at ShioKaze...
Sadako-chan: Jumping head first, eh?
Irae-chan: You realize how much money
he's going to NEED, right?
Sadako-chan: Oh shit...
Zappa-kun: Money whoring... go.
Why is every day so boring...?
Saturday isn't here fast enough... I wanna hang with everyone. I could put my car in slightly better condition if I knew where the tools were... perhaps I should ask now.
Yup... tomorrow I DEFINATELY clean my spark plugs, now that I know where it is.
Sethy, sadly, since there WAS NO category for my stories... and they're not fanfic at all... I kinda don't have a fanfic.net account.

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