Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Jackal style
Zappa-kun: Well, I've collected my thoughts, and I have some posting matter for once. Sunday was it's usual hanging with Deus. We went to The Quarry, and upon inspecting EB games offering music Cd's for $2 a piece, our party encountered Jester. After a FMV, revealing Jester to Deus, he and his brother joined our party, and quested with us to Borders. Deus whored up the DeathNote and Jester got coffee. We took the new party members to our base at Deus's, and chilled. Deus and Jester are finally on good terms.
Summary, Suger needs to stop it.
I ordered my hat for Akabane.
Today... sucked at work, but I hired someone, so my stress goes down a bit. I payed my bills, and I've got $140 left for this week. I'm doing pretty well. I have a little more spending though. I need gloves and a tie for Akabane. I plan on having him ready for White Day. Sadly, I think Anna is getting her wisdom teeth pulled in proximity of then, so she'll miss out.
Speaking of Akabane, I got my coat in today. It's not so much a trenchcoat (like I thought) than a very formal long coat. Problem is, it's navy blue, and not black. Either, I'm gonna give in and ruin the interior, and dye it, or... let it be. I think I'll get judgement from The Gear Project when I see them agian.
And speaking of Anna... haha. There... was some... unnecessary paranioa, which lead to the last few days of Panic Prone. And... nearly some tonight. Ya see, I saw her post, and her ex bought her KH2 and the guide. Now, she had insructed me to not spoil her in such a manner, like he did. And I try my best not to. I think I do well. I gave her my heart, and money can't do much better than that. Back on point, I was debating weither or not I was gonna be pissed, or let it worry me.
Sadako-chan: But you decided something different...
Irae-chan: Something kinda scary.
Zappa-kun: Heh... I'm gonna be MATURE about it. I'm gonna be... professional.
A gift for Graham tomorrow. I hope to have my tie and gloves at least, if not my hat as well.
Relationship stress = Zero.
Sadako-chan: Sugoi Zappa-kun!
Zappa-kun: I thought there was more... but I think not. Next week, a layout change. And I'm gonna tamper with my icons on LJ later today.

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