Monday, March 13, 2006
1st motion
Zappa-kun: OLD SCHOOL!!!
The original layout is BACK!
Upon going to the store to buy paint, I came across some dragon figure made by MegaBlocks (Lego variant). Pretty detailed for something intended for the youth.
Deus told me a tale of anti-carbs. He had a customer come in preparing to buy several carb-free candy bars. Deus tells the woman, that the regular ones have twice the flavor and are half the price. She whined, they have caarbsss. So he tells her, "Are you going to live eathing things that taste like crap to avoid a few carbs?" She saw he was right, and went to buy the regular candy.
Irae-chan: It's pretty unintellegent
that people risk thier health
to lose some weight.
I've downloaded a lot of missing Bleach too.
Those RP boards are going quite slowly, but I suppose that's expected for the weekend. But it just seems the board I've chosen to be in moves slowly over the weekend.
Sadako-chan: Zappa-kun was brave,
and wore Akabane to
Best Buy.
Zappa-kun: Yeah. I wasn't paying attention to others, so I don't know how people reacted. I smiled most of the time. Deus said I scared a little kid that I walked by.
Irae-chan: You need to work on
your creepy smile
Zappa-kun: Yeah yeah... I know...
Inquiry: Do horses grow on trees?
Sadako-chan: The hell kind of question
is that?
It's a big
four-legged mammal.
...and they keep me up at night...
so I don't care.

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