Wednesday, March 15, 2006
3rd Motion White Day Picnic
Because it got so quiet in Anna's house, all I heard was a clock.
Zappa-kun: Yay. I had lotsa fun yesterday.
It was the White Day picnic yesterday, and for those who don't know it's Japan's other Valentine's Day. Of course, it was the 14th also, so, Anna and I have a definate reason to be together that date of any month.
The Picnic:
I bringed sammiches, as promised. I think I was supposed to get paid back for them, but... we all forgot, so who cares anyway v'v Danzig had a huge part in picnic events. I was prepared for pics, and had Akabane with me. I didn't know there was a cosplay judging though. There were about..6 people in costumes, so, chances to win were good. I got runner up to a tea party lolita. Loli doesn't make sence to me, I don't see how it's anything more than dressing elegantly... but I'm gonna stop there before the fire jutsu begin.
The Drive:
Anna and I left about 7:15. Not long into the drive, we brought up Power Rangers and spoke of it the WHOLE way. It actually distracted me to the point, I was going the wrong way.
Sadako-chan: Uh huh... distracted.
Irae-chan: I have to say,
I agree. The way
you are around her,
I wouldn't doubt it.
Zappa-kun: Shut up. I honestly thought I had been going the right way, cuz I'm more adapted to going long distances down 410 and not 1604.
Anyway, I got her home, and we spent time with her parents. I'm glad her mom brought up her senior pictures. *chibi flails* I gawt ze piccies of mah ANNNAAAaaaaaa *squeal*
Heh... yes... anyway... It was a long, drawn out, and unwanted goodbye, but Anna wanted me home and rested for my usual Wednesday shift. Whish is where I am now... *sigh* Everytime I've gone to see her, was a Tuesday night... be dammed Feburary having 4 weeks exactly. Hehe... April 14th is a Friday... hehehe

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