Gave in Again
The bastard
Can't keep refusing rights
So he'll loan the cash
But the sin
Is on the hands of you
So to care or
Plead silence, weak hands are calling
There's close enough
And there's too far
It won't change an empty stare
But I can't seem to end
These images
Hauntingly looks like hell
So to care or
Plead silence
Weak hands are calling
[Last Chorus]
To end this catastrophic scene awake and breathe in
Come, enter the foreign
Face, all that's shameful
Cheat, may the past find
Out, separating
Captian Zappa: 0500 hours: 14th Gotei recieves orders.
0510 hours: Departure to point A
3rd Seat Irae: 0510 hours: Departure to point B
Vice-Captian Sadako: 0510 hours: Departure to point C.
Captian Zappa: 0520 hours: Arrival at point A. Asses situation and begins calculations.
3rd Seat Irae: 0555 hours: Arrival at point B. Delivers messages to Bloody Rose Inn and Tavern.
0610 hours: Encountered Girl In Black.
0615 hours: Sussesscul retreat.
Captian Zappa: 0855 hours: Situation grows desperate. Calls for reinforcements
0900 hours: Reinforcement arrives.
1050 hours: Secondary reinforcement fails to arrive. Mission prolonged.
1500 hours: Primary reinforcement leaves.
1650 hours: Entering 12th hour of mission. No sign of Sadako's or Irae's return.
1700 hours: Mission finished. Returning to base.
1710 hours: Returned to base. Food cycle commences
1730 hours: Admired picture of Anna, waiting for use of the interweb.
1736 hours: Interweb go.
1740 hours: Transmission recieved by Anna and Hacker Ed.
Vice-Captian Sadako: 1740 hours: Message sent to targets Seth, Ashley, Tori, and Chris. The targets have been found guilty of the excessive use of personal entertainment. Sentence is restriction from yaoi untill March 20th.
Captian Zappa: 1810 hours: Sent to retrieve dinner, not daring to complain about the mission to the facility guards.
3rd Seat Irae: 1935 hours: Succesful return to base.
Vice-Captian Sadako: 1945 hours: Message transmission failed. Second attempt to pass message success.
2012 hours: Safe return to base. Hugs by Zappa-dono.
Captian Zappa: 2013 hours: Headbanging ensues.
2037 hours: More headbanging ensues. Consuming of strawberry pocky ensues.
2300 hours: Rejects all bashing for misuse of military time and Bleach fandom.
2305 hours: Posted. I'll never do this agian.
