Friday, March 17, 2006
5th Motion
Zappa-kun: Hehe... the roleplaying boards are getting fun. I've already annoyed 2 characters v'v, and I'm working on the new comers.
I stood at work, pondering chicken farming (cuz we use a lot of chicken at work) and suddenly got the urge to play Harvest Moon. Maybe I'll get it for my lappy's emulator.
Sadako-chan: I find it creepy
you're even thinking about
farming in the first place.
Zappa-kun: Not like you were innocent of body farming with those tapes.
Sadako-chan: ||.-()
Zappa-kun: I declare, let the boredom resume, for yet another day.
And I further declare, Chevelle rocks.
I passed out early. This working monrings is getting really annoying. I want to sleep in when the suns up and stay up when it's dark.

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