Monday, March 20, 2006
8th Motion - Much better
Zappa-kun: Yes, I'm doing much better now. I was doing better about 2am Sunday. And I will not be going into detail either.
Sadako-chan: *huggles Zappa*
He wouldn't let us
say anything.
Irae-chan: *huggles Zappa*
Zappa-kun: So, you'll notice that MyO is a blank slate. I took it down, trying to generate a Chevelle layout.
Sadako-chan: Awww...
Irae-chan: So, what will you have now?
Zappa-kun: I don't know. I'm thinking to let everyone else decide.
Your choices are
Zappa (GGXX)
Celes (FF6)
Millia (GGXX)
Lenneth (Valkyrie Profile)
or a new one, Kawaii Sadako.
I'm sure you LJ kids don't really care, but you're free to vote as well.
And going into the events on Sunday. I DL'ed a bunch of AMVs, all but one of which SUCK. And I lost interents at Deus's about 75% through a HUGE AMV, which, for some reason, takes 3 hours to get. It makes me sad.
I bought a fishnet shirt yesterday. It's meant for teh raves, but I'll prolly wear it whenever. And I got v3 of W Juliet, but I left that at Dues's for the time being. *flails, wanting to read it and not work*
Irae-chan: You'd rather do ANYTHING
than work.
Zappa-kun: True...
We brought Jester over for web page workings. The new page is go, so, prepare to be redirected, if you have the old link. It's essentially the same crap, but more aesthitically pleaseing.
Irae-chan: Question:
Zappa-kun keeps being told
he's 'awesome'.
Is this true?
Sadako-chan: Don't forget to
vote for a new

Since the GG pics are done, now for random anime cuteness.
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