Wednesday, March 22, 2006
10th motion - caretaking
Sadako-chan: Uhm... hi everyone. I suppose my first order of business is to tell you all Zappa didn't sleep after that dream. At about 9 this morning, he decided that he's going to sleep for a very long time. He's hoping when he wakes up, everything will be alright.
Untill that time, I'll do my best to keep him safe, okay everyone? And Irae-sama will help me too, right?
Irae-chan: I can't do much, but I'll do what I can.
Sadako-chan: Right!
Anyway, cuz he took his lappy to work, I nearly got in a LOT of trouble with his big boss. He's really kowai ||.- *shiver* I had to disconnect, right when Mister Hicks said he realized something. I wonder what it was.
Irae-chan: Maybe he realized he wasn't talking to Zappa-kun
Sadako-chan: Possibly. Anyway... it's kind of awkward telling people that Zappa-kun went to sleep. Okaa-sama Seth is really worried, but we've promised to take really good care of him.
Irae-chan: I'm so very glad he has a mother like her. Tori-sama has been an incredible sister to him as well.
Sadako-chan: Yes. I'm glad he has a good family like them.
I do hate being the harbinger of ill news though ||.-
And, I'm adapting to how Zappa-kun set things up on here, so be patient. I'll try to have a new song up here on Sunday as well. I hope the MyOtaku users will enjoy.
Well, Zappa-kun had started to post cute pictures from his lappy, so, I'll continue ||.^

Lookie, it's me =||.^=
Please rest well Zappa-kun. We're all here for you. ~Sadako
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