Monday, March 27, 2006
15th motion
Sadako-chan: Work was so bad. One of Zappa-kun's co-workers is literally missing. His mom is really worried. So is Zappa-kun, but he seems pretty confident he'll show up.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun gets really annoyed by stupid people when he's sleepy. People were making him so mad today.
Sadako-chan: Probally because they were just as tired... but it's no excuse to be an ass.
Anyway, we did go over to Deus's as usual, and messed with his PSP. When we went to go get food, Deus went to Game Crazy... and now Zappa-kun said he HAS to get Suikoden Tactics or 5... Fortunately he got paid today.
Irae-chan: What about the new car?
Sadako-chan: He's been good with his money. He can splurge a little bit. We'll see later on just how much he made.
Well well, we're off to bed now. Have fun today everyone!

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