Sunday, April 2, 2006
20th motion - 27 seconds
Sadako-chan: Hey everyone! Yesterday, we didn't really participate in April Fool's, but we did get Zappa-kun's manager. We can't really get any of you, because you're all prepared to be pranked.
Before we went to Miss Kaylyn's house, we saw some pretty strange things on TV, just flipping channels.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun says, that luchadores = ninja.
And... we caught an old Roman war movie... that turned out to be in Spanish!
Sadako-chan: And there was a show... Mythbusters... I think... there were abusing a dummy to prove things wrong. It was crazy, cuz they broke and burnt the dummy like crazy. It was fun to watch.
We finally went to Miss Kaylyn's and watched her play Kingdom Hearts 2. It was pretty fun, and did have a lot of disapplication of physics. But the highlight of the night was when Miss Kaylyn asked the red light when it was her turn to go. Zappa-kun randomly picked 27. Mister Andrew, her boyfriend, started counting up to 27...
and as soon as he said it...
It turned green.
Zappa-kun: KH2 is good, but Setzer doesn't truly get his part. He... oh yeah... spoilers...
But, I won't be out rushing to get the game.
Maybe when the hype dies down, or the price...
Irae-chan: It's been a while since you said so much.
Zappa-kun: *shrugs*
Chuck Norris had his own cartoon... WTF?
What's going on with ALL of [adult swim]

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