Friday, April 7, 2006
24th motion
Zappa-kun: Please read, obaa-chan.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
bull-shit three ring cirrrrcus siiiideshow of
Freaks here in this, hopeless fucking, hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.
It's a bull-shit three ring cirrrrrcuus siiideshow of
freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time.
Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.
Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
(Learn to swim. 3x)
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to beeeeeeeee.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck L Ron Hubbard and Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all these gun-toting Hip gangster wannabes.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck retro anything. Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and Fuck your short memory.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure actresses.
(Learn to swim. 8x)
Cuz I'm praying for rain
and I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all awaaaaaaaaay.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it come down.
(Suck it down. 2x)
Flush it down.
Sadako-chan: Wow... one hell of a day today. I set out a list of things for Zappa-kun to do today. He got the most important things on the list done, which was working on his car, but a few were... denied. I wanted him to finish the third chapter of his story, but, he wasn't given the oppurtunity to work on it. Even the game related task was missed out on.
Irae-chan: Well, it was all balanced out, considering what happened.
Sadako-chan: That was pretty amazing.
Irae-chan: We should probally explain. Not all the readers know the details, so just blurting it out won't get anyone anywhere.
Sadako-chan: Right. Within the Raving Ninja Clan, there are ranks. Zappa-kun, in his early days, started at the very bottom, by choice. About... last August, Danzig-sensei gave up his position of elder to Zappa-kun. That's a HUGE jump in ranks, even though he was treated as one.
And today, he logged onto his messenger and had a message from Miss Mint, congradulating him. Mister Phlinx, the, now former, leader of the clan, had decided to give up his position as leader. I don't go into the details of why, but Mister Phlinx put Zappa-kun in his former position.
Irae-chan: Zappa-kun's now the leader of the Raving Ninja Clan.
Sadako-chan: Yup, but that doesn't get him out of that list of imcompletes.
Zappa-kun: Awww...
Sadako-chan: No excuses. It's back on the list after work.

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