Sunday, April 9, 2006
26th motion - Six Flags
Sadako-chan: Where's Zappa-kun?
Irae-chan: I don't know. He came and left after work.
Zappa-kun: I'm here! *enters and poses randomly*
Sadako-chan: Yay!! What happened to you?
Zappa-kun: Mint, Levi and Phlinx suddenly came up to work and pretty much told me to go to Six Flags with them. So I did. We had lots of insane fun, and I rode some things I'd never touched before, and never thought I would. Also, Socknin, Newbeh and Suger were there. Still more fun v'v
Irae-chan: Hehe... I'm glad you had fun with everyone.
And thanks for bringing me to Jester's ^.^

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