Tuesday, April 11, 2006
27th motion - The Real Sound of Progress
Irae-chan: HIIII!!!
I went to Mister Jester's and Mister Deus's, and to a sucky restraunt all in one day! It's been a long time since Zappa-kun took me somewhere. But it's nice. Jester's weird sister brushed my hair. It was kinda creepy, cuz it wasn't Zappa-kun, but, it was necessary. Sleeping makes my hair REALLY messy.
Later, Zappa-kun took me and Jester to Deus's. We went to that crappy restraunt. It has nice ice cream, but, they should stick to what they're good at, and not really tiny fries. And we went to the game store, and Zappa-kun bought the book for Suikoden 5. He was really paranoid the book wouldn't be around when he gets the game itself. He's so silly sometimes. The rest of the day was kinda boring. We changed the music on MyO. But since then, Deus had changed the source, so it's gonna have to reload for everyone, agian. Ah well, I think it's worth the wait.
Today... well, just another boring Monday. Zappa-kun said untill the inspector comes by, it's gonna be really stressful, and I definately can't go to work with him, nor can he have any fun.
Sadako-chan: *pouts*
Irae-chan: What?
Sadako-chan: You're doing all the posting...
Irae-chan: But you do all the posting all the time. Can't I do it sometimes?
Sadako-chan: Yeah, but it's a double post...
Irae-chan: I know. Lemme post then. You're taking up everyone's time with your complaints about the post.
Sadako-chan: Was there really anything left to talk about?
Irae-chan: Yes. Zappa-kun did A LOT from today's list of goals.
Zappa-kun: Yeah. I'll finish it all tomorrow, but the most complicated is over. That hat was really troublesome. I'll probally have to iron the hat agian. Ah well... night girls.
Irae-chan: Nite nite Zappa-kun. The rest of you have a nice day, alright? ^.^

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