Wednesday, April 12, 2006
28th motion - It's even harder to stand when you're sleepy
Sadako-chan: Hello all. This time, I'm posting all the things that Zappa-kun wrote he would do. I'll show you he's a lazypants.
Irae-chan: Lazypants?
Zappa-kun: Uhm... yeah...
Sadako-chan: Sorry... I don't know what that was. Stupid scene kids.
The LIST!:
Buy safety pins for rave shirt
Make rave shirt (Broken Heart Zappa) (not a literal meaning... he's doing okay)
Repaint Akabane knives
Double check Akabane Hat
Ask Jesse about nerdsticking
Get Earthbound ROM
Level all Suikoden Tactics characters to 11 or higher
Work on the rave girl drawing
Make dancing Sadako .gif into ninja Sadako
He's finding Suikoden Tactics really annoying, due to the fact that there's a short list of characters who don't die permanently. If any character dies once, they're gone for good. What happen to the ressurection rune??? Really really gay, if you ask me.
Irae-chan: But I'm nooooot~~~
Sadako-chan: Hush you!
Nothing really happened other than working on that list. There was this creepy event when Zappa-kun went to the bank. He looked across the parking lot and saw a bunch of kids in all black. Some with multi-colored hair. They walked by. After a couple minutes, another group of them walked by. We started to wonder what was going on. When he started to drive away, there weren't any buses nearby. Then there was a thrid group.
Zappa-kun: The EMOs have left thier computers and are on the rise. Beware.
Sadako-chan: Stop that, it's not even funny!

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