Saturday, April 15, 2006
31s motion - B-A-D-L-U-K
Sadako-chan: Squee! Zappa-kun's returned to his regular posting position ||.^
Irae-chan: *celebrates* ^.^
Zappa-kun: Heh. I didn't think it was that big of a deal to you two.
Anyways, today, did not go without event. As posted yesterday, Tala and I went to see a movie.
[full lowdown]
For the last couple of weeks, I've been feeling Tala and I getting closer, relationship wise. When we decided we'd hang out and see a movie, it felt to me, that we may end up getting back together. It was a year ago we were together, and actually spend part of Easter weekend together too. I forget what we did though... *ponders*
Anyway, I was a little concerned as to weither or not we'd get back together. She tells me she was thinking the same.
[/full lowdown]
Anyway, she and her friend Amy showed up while I was still on shift, so my co-worker was causing some embarassment in me.
Zappa-kun: Awww *||.^*
Zappa-kun: Heh. Anywho, we held hands through most of the movie. There were a couple kisses afterward too. But, overall... I don't think we'll end up together agian. Not that... well... that spark isn't there. The one I feel for Alex still.
(LJ friends of MarzGurl and Gonsai are free to skip past this, as you're already aware)
So, we move along to other matters of the day. Sad and angering matters.
My friend Kaylyn (MarzGurl to the convention circuit) was robbed Thrusday night. These last couple weeks, she's still been in the process of moving her things from her old, tiny apartment, to her new one. Among many other things of great importance, all of her video equipment was stolen. In the aspect that I'm a big generator of bad luck for myself and those around me, I feel fragmentally responsable.
Kaylyn records conventions for a hobby, and her own personal memory. So much so, she chose to provide this service to fellow con-goers, and distribute copies of her recordings. (Kaylyn, I'm sorry if my conception of this doesn't match yours)
It was three days ago now, that I requested MarzGurl Productions to record the event I'm running at ShioKazecon. Not long after her agreeing, she's gotten robbed of her equipment. Why do I feel responsable? Because I asked her to do a service to me, and doing so would make me happy. FATE doesn't allow me to exceed a certian point on my happiness scale, so she likes to throw kinks into things to get at me, disregarding thier effect on others.
Just out of my sheer desire to help when I can, IF I can, I've donated fifty dollars to MarzGurl Productions, and I plan on donating more once I get my tax return. I can't stand by and let my friends suffer at the hands of my bad luck.
Wizzat said, I link joo to the post of sadness.
Also, before heading off, Danzig: My goal was to fininsh Suikoden Tactics before ShioKazeCon, so you may borrow it. I'm no longer in the desperate hurry I once was, as Earthbound holds my interest better. So, I'll bring that for you, if you could remember to return my Suikoden 2 and Gameshark when I arrive at your place. I think my Land Dragon has one last journey to Austin left in it.
MyO layout will change on Sunday, for Easter, and agian on Monday for Rave Ninjaing.
Speaking of Rave Ninjas, I've requested webcomic artist Chris Hamelton (Misfile) to comission me a drawing of a rave ninja. I think I'll do this with other artists, if at all possible. Good publicity, if I can get internet-famous people interested (even if slightly) in the group. Name spread: GET v'v
Irae-chan: Goodness, you've certinaly had a lot to say ^.^
Zappa-kun: A lot happened that I could talk about. Can't help it.
Also, I find it funny that I had a quarter of an inch of super glue caked between the nosepiece and the lens. It's now down to 1/16th and they've quit slipping. I expect many comments of LOL.

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