Thursday, April 27, 2006
42nd motion - We're off
Zappa-kun: I'm at work, but it's after-hours. So, I leave tomorrow. I'm gonna struggle to get absolutely everything packed tonight, save my lappy, if I don't need it. I'm probally going to go buy some hair spray or gel, for my bangs (which I've yet to straighten, and NEED to)
Costumes are packed, juice is packed (save for one case), spare clothes and toilitries are prepared. Glowsticks are ALL go. Irae will be coming along.
I honestly need a Sadako plushee... seriously... help me find one. Those unfortunate of you who have to stay behind for school and testing and finincial difficulties, find me one and link me to it's purchase. I'd hate to try to figure out how to make one myself. I probally could... but I don't remember how to make the last stitches on pillows.
As much as I'd try, I'm sure I'll only sleep in till 12... impatientce and anxiety and whatnot.
Kay, so remember Rave Ninjas, and Ed-chan and Kaylyn; Rave Nin meeting at 8pm, panel room 3, and mini-rave (a "warm-up" as I had to explain to Jesse) at 9pm.
Alex, if you're free to use the compy once more, then get your messengers back. Pretty please koneko-chan?
Have fun if you can't go. I'll try to have enough fun for the whole family, kay?

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