Tuesday, May 2, 2006
43rd Motion - Con review
Zappa types everything this time around, nuff said.
Got my ass out of bed aboiut 12ish and made sure I had everything packed. Forgot a few things, but got them stowed away. Left for work (where Danzig and Kim woudld pick me up), and waited for my ride. Nifty, boring, cramped little ride from SA to Houston. We got in aboiut 7ish and were welcomed by Poison 'Shroom, Kris, and NicePants. I got my badge, only to lose it about 2 hours later when I went with Kris to get his beer. Angest ensues.
Danzig was able to get me a new badge, because one of the judges for Hall Cosplay (which I entered and was cut from *shrugs*) wasn't going to arrive at all. They got it printed with my name on there, and all was well v'v
Got dressed up as Akabane and went off with my juice and Irae to see what was to be... (had/done/seen)?
Best thing I picked up for the day was Super Robot Wars GC (guess which consle THAT'S for!?) I couldn't find any Ishida awesomeness, so I got Bridgette a Hitsuguya(sp) 0plushee. Sometime during the day, I changed into Neji (as Akabane was getting no love), entered Hall Cosplay, and continued with a new quest: get Hadker Ed a juice! (also, get a cookie).
It wasn't untill I changed into my rave gear that I found her in her ninja outfit (which I didn't get a pic of actually) I missed on my cookie too, as I was worried about getting the Rave Ninjas together for our meeting/rave.
The rave had an awesome turnout, untill the concert let out, and people seemed to think that the dance started immieadetly.
People did slowly find us agian, and wander back. Along with Canuck's 1 or recruits, I got 2 myself Friday.
Along with other ravers at the Keichii dance, I threw down for MarzGurl's video. I honestly hope she doesn't use my fail as part of the main video. Maybe a section for LOLz or bloopers, but no for the dance.
I learned (cuz someone lost a sandal and his the chandellier) that Kei is a cool guy, sociable at least with the public. Wonder what he thinks about the clan... Pocky said something, but I don't effin remember what. Night for me ended after the dance and some bizarre discussions before bed.
Got half-assedly into my ninja gear and headed off for the NetSenshi Power Block of Doom and LOL. The Anime Dating game wasn't so big (first time around) and in the aftermath fell apart (as there were really supposed to be dates that night). Not my panel, not my complications to talk about.
The POSE OFF however, rocked your socks almost as hard as Silent Hill. I didn't pose or moderate myself, cuz I was still sore from the Kei dance, but I got people coming in. I owed Danzig for getting me a badge. After the Pose Off, I got back into Akabane, with my glasses (O'O) and did more wandering and shopping. I was suprised to find 40 in my pocket. I've no idea how I put it in there.
(typing resumes on Monday night)
It turns into a huge blur untill I went upstairs to change into Neji, when it turned out Kim bought a Kin cosplay for 40$. She didn't have the footwear, and she needed to be in Sol, so she let me wear it.
I did. There's a pic on Fans View. I want it so badly!!!
I went to the cosplay show. Much LOL and awesome was had. Afterward I changed into Sadako. As it was at Ushicon, there was much love and hugs. Not only did I scare someone quite shitless, but there's a pic of Sadako with cat ears wandering around somewhere.
I wasn't really feeling up to going, but for the clan, I went to the dance, "DJ"ed by Gred Ayres. I figured, once I get moving, I won't feel so sore and tired.
I simply couldn't get into the music. I can say for myself, Greg sucks as a DJ, simply for his track selection. Everyone in the clan I spoke to agreed.
I wandered about with the Ninja Wives (Chelsea and Lily), with Whitney in tow, and after some sitting, I went up to the room, started some ramen and this post. Once ramen was ready, I wandered downstairs, and talked with random people about quickly fleeting subjects till 3ish. Sleep ensued shortly after.
Blarg... room cleaning, checking out, packing... general distaste for the situation in general. But, Ed-chan and I finally got time together when she found me in line to check out.
You should be noticing... details get fewer and fewer as this post goes on. Sunday is usually uneventful and filled with sadness and goodbyes.
Some details I probally forgot:
Swiffer slept in my closet twice...? I didn't even know he was there till he woke up.
Rave Ninja Mini-Rave will filled with awesome till the concert let out. Worked for me, since I was able to recruit 2 members.
Ed-chan's cookies are still as godly as ever.
I was flirting with some friend of Swiffer. When I talked to him about it, he said it was a bad idea. He liked my friendship too much, so I stopped. In retrospect, A] there Alex, and B] it would have been really pointless cuz she lived out of driving range.
I just made a golf joke??
The juice lasted till Saturday, unlike Ushicon.
Canuck hella misses Usagi-nee.
Pyramid Head is secks and win. v'v
I lost my red glowstick, and gained a white one.
I wear Hook Ups therefore I give them
And now, back to normal shit. Monday!
Feh, expecting something? D&D then work. Typing and I'm heading home now. See joo guys on the intarwebs v'v
*huggles and juice for all*
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