Zappa-kun: Today... meh, boring.
It rained/hailed today. Seems like a lot of people went out when it did. I heard my brother got nailed in the head with a piece of hail. Teach him to go out there.
I finally unpacked everything. My Felecia poster is up, my Kanu statuette is where my Rushuna used to be, and my light-up Sailor V sits atop my TV. An unnecessary "night light", but pretty nontheless. I rearranced my posters to make room for Felecia. I think the place looks a bit better now. All those little pics cluttering by my headboard are scattered about. One particular one that has a fairy with a banner reading "Go Away" is now on my door. Think my landlords will get it?
Odds are not.
I better have enough Rock Candy pieces left to make what I want to. Means I better quit eatin' them, right?
I lost the Rabi-en-Rose pin I bought at Shio. I remember where I put it upon first purchase, but can't remember after that... or if it fell somewhere...
But it's not the end of the world, there will be other cons with other pins of cuteness to add to the strap on my lappy bag.
Sadako-chan: Don't we get to say anything anymore?
Zappa-kun: I'm playing a game... yes, you do.
Irae-chan: *folds arms, staring at Sadako*
Sadako-chan: What?
Irae-chan: You asked for the oppurtunity,
so say something
Sadako-chan: Uhm... I kinda don't have anything to say.
Irae-chan: Then why'd you bug Zappa-kun about it?
Sadako-chan: Cuz no one's heard from us in 5 days.
Maybe someone's worried that we didn't come back?
Irae-chan: Of course we're back.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have to dictate who's speaking, would he?
Sadako-chan: Yeah...
Irae-chan: Besides, isn't your thing 7 days?
Sadako-chan: Yeah ^.||
