Saturday, May 6, 2006
47th motion - Great Moments in WHAT-THE-FUCK History
Zappa-kun: And now for a "Great Moment in WHAT-THE-FUCK History".
I have a new number one, but first, what IS a "Moment of WHAT-THE-FUCK"? Sadako will explain.
Sadako-chan: These moments consist of events so truely random and bizarre, what one would expect to react normally to, is simply met with a blank stare.
Zappa-kun: So the former, and new number one WTF moment are held at work. The former:
We have a Kid's Pak display that sits freely on the floor. Back in my first year at Subway, someone ran in, over to the register, snatched the display and ran out. You really don't expect a snatch-and-grab on a little display of craptacular toys, so I could only stare. My co-worker held the same stare till he broke it by saying, "Bye, have a nice day?"
Today's wins the number one spot... simply for shock value... and the paranoia that could follow:
I made a sandwich for a pretty attractive girl at work. She didn't really interest me though, as... I want Alex. Anywho, she kept smiling at me, and batting eyes (I guess that's what it was). I smiled back as not to be an asshole. I got to the veggies, then moved on to ring up the next customer, then wash dishes. My co-worker, Garrett tells me some chick (the one I just made a sammich for) wants to talk to me, and clearly points to the lobby. I walk out there, and being all "professional" I greet her with a "Yes ma'am?". The girl puts her hand on my neck, pulls me in and kisses me. I felt her tounge touch my lips too. She backed off and said, "Sorry, but I really had to get that over with."
I pondered it for a while, and brushed my teeth soon after. I doubt there was any mal-intent... but that was really random as FUCK.
Yeah... ...uhm... ...a new number one... ...I'm so fucking confused still...

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